Driving Around With A Cracked Windshield! Why It’s Not Worth It?

Jennifer Foster • Apr 08, 2024

Your car's windshield is more than a mere wind and debris barrier. It is a critical safeguard that ensures your safety and that of your passengers every time you drive. However, it is shocking to observe how frequently drivers fail to recognize the significance of a flawless windshield. Drivers often don't realize their cars have small cracks or chips in the windshield and don't understand the significant dangers these imperfections can cause.

This article takes you on a fact-finding journey on the hazards of driving with a cracked windshield, demonstrating why one should not postpone fixing such problems. Poor visibility, increased odds of structural failure, and deadly accidents are only the beginning of the potential hazards created by a cracked windshield that has been deferred for too long. Let's explore in-depth the importance of getting your windshield fixed!

Hazards of Driving with a Cracked Windshield

Reduced Visibility

Reduced Visibility

The most immediate threat of a cracked windshield to driving is the obstruction of vision. Even the most minor cracks create an optical illusion that blurs the appearance of the road before you. As such, it may be hard to differentiate between oncoming vehicles, pedestrians, or even debris on the road when you peek through the windshield.

Since weakened sight is a distraction, the odds of road accidents naturally increase. Research also indicates that impaired vision is one of the leading causes of road accidents. Therefore, keeping your windshield in top-notch condition ensures clarity while driving.

Structural Weakness

Structural Weakness

A cracked windshield not only impairs visibility but also plays a crucial role in maintaining the structural integrity of your vehicle. It provides vital support to the roof, helping to prevent it from collapsing in a rollover accident. Additionally, a windshield with cracks or chips is more likely to have reduced impact resistance in collisions with other vehicles, increasing the risk of harm to you and your passengers.

Statistics highlight the seriousness of the issue, indicating that vehicles with windshield damage are more susceptible to fatalities in rollover accidents. This underscores the importance of ensuring the integrity of your windshield for overall vehicle safety. By promptly addressing any cracks or chips in your windshield; you can help mitigate the risks associated with driving and enhance the protection afforded to you and your passengers on the road.

Airbag Malfunction

Airbag Malfunction

A common cause of car crashes and passenger injury is the impaired functioning of airbags due to a cracked windshield in case of a collision. Indeed, deployed airbags inflate at a great speed, generating a high force against the windshield’s surface. If the glass is cracked, it can shatter, leading to the airbag’s failure to deploy as intended or not deploying at all.

In both scenarios, you and your passengers are at an even greater risk of experiencing car injury. Therefore, for proper airbag performance and higher passenger safety levels during a collision, it is imperative to ensure a pristine windshield.

Fatal Accidents

Fatal Accidents

A cracked windshield may cost you more than your life. Statistics show that car accidents that injure or kill people are eight times more common when the windshield is damaged than when it is intact. The vulnerability of the windshield can increase the risk of injury or death, as the weakened structure and the driver’s impaired vision make it more likely to suffer terrible consequences if a collision occurs.

Neglecting repair, no matter how small the damage might appear, has been proven to increase the likelihood of death in a car accident. Therefore, disregarding this critical safety feature causes fatal and otherwise severe consequences.

Shattering Glass

Shattering Glass

Another severe danger of driving with a cracked windshield is the risk of glass suddenly shattering. Temperature fluctuations, vibrations you encounter when driving, or additional blows to the glass’s surface may worsen the existing crack; therefore, when your car moves, the windshield may shatter unexpectedly and abruptly smash into pieces. It is hazardous, aside from being extremely dangerous. It significantly increases the chance of receiving injuries from the sharp edges of the broken glass for both you and your passengers.

As the data indicates, vehicles with chips and cracks previously sustained significantly contribute to the number of window-shattering occurrences. Therefore, to prevent these risky incidents, it is critical to ensure immeasurable repairs. Repairing a cracked windshield promptly and replacing it significantly reduces the risk of its sudden shattering. By doing so, you can be sure everyone in the car is safe. Therefore, don’t ignore a crack in the windshield. Prepare and protect yourself and your passengers while driving.

Proper Way to Deal with a Cracked Windshield

Indeed, driving with a cracked windscreen is not a risk for any responsible driver. The damage spells, reduced vision, and added fragility are signs that your windscreen is way past its use. Other risks include faulty airbags, the likelihood of being trapped if the car skids, and fatal crashes that could result from any of the different risks.

Therefore, in case of a cracked windscreen, contact Platinum Auto Glass for the best services when a windshield repair home service is needed. In other words, there is no better way to stay safe than taking your car to Platinum Auto Glass. This glass expert does thorough work and is committed to ensuring each of its clients is safe and happy with their driving confidence.

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